​SLB Engineering experience in managing projects, ranges from manufacturing facilities (solids and semisolids, sterile Lyo, liquid and powder), to packaging and to all the supporting areas like Labs, Warehouses, Dispensing, Sampling, Offices etc.​

  • Steriles

    One of the main differences when managing Sterile Projects is the attention to details. Contamination sources have to be eliminated since the project phase. By experience we select materials and solutions already tested for many years. Our experience cover vials, ampules, cartridges, prefilled syringes and tubes.

  • Lyo

    Having managed several Lyo projects from the conceptual design to the Qualification, we have a strong understanding of the process whereas this is for vials, ampules or High Potents. We select the best Equipment to support our clients and speed up the project.

  • Oral Solid Dosage

    Our considerable experience allow us to start the Conceptual Design with the analysis of the Product Process and the associated volumes. We know that in the current global market, time is one of the two main elements affecting the sucess of a company, the other is flexibility. A flexible design avoids additional investments to cope with different markets needs.

  • Laboratories

    We design laboratories and R&D units GMP compliant to be efficiently operated. Rooms are sized accordingly processes and volumes to avoid overshooting or too crowded areas.

  • Citotoxic

    Manufacturing High Potent drugs (Cytotoxic, Hormones etc.) represents an additional challenge as frequently Health & Safety requirements clash with GMP. Our extensive experience allows us to find the right isolation tool without affecting negatively productivity and efficiency.

  • Facility Design and logistics

    We design new Facilities and logistic without Quality compromises but always with the intent to operate them efficiently and effectively. Our modular design allow the Client to postpone investments for future needs, offsetting significant investment.